The Lord’s Servant: Week 3
Sermon begins at about 17 minutes
Aubrey Schneider continues our Advent series “The Lord’s Servant”, which is part of our “Year of the Lord” focus for 2024. In this sermon series, we will hear about people like Mary who chose to be the Lord’s servant. We’ll ask ourselves, “Am I the Lord’s Servant”?
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Slide Notes:
Overall passage: Luke 1:46-55
How do I respond to God? How do I respond to others? How do I respond when I'm facing something difficult in my life?
To be a faithful servant is to be a devoted and helpful follower, to be humble before God, to be ready to act as God nudges and inspires us, to help meet the needs of other people, and to remember that it is not about money or reward.
(Application Questions)
Am I the Lord's Servant?:
How well do I know the Word?
Am I humble before the Lord?
Am I ready to act how God prompts me?
Is worship my first response?
Servants and the Lord: Week 3
Sermon begins at about 16 minutes
Director of Ministry Aubrey Schneider continues a new sermon series called “Servants and the Lord”. In this sermon, Aubrey focuses on Luke 16:10-15 and Psalm 24:1. She asks us to consider the question, “Am I willing to lay everything I have before the Lord and give my life as an offering?”
Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Notes:
Scriptures To Think About:
Application Steps
Ask yourself: Am I willing to lay everything I have before the Lord, and give my life as an offering?
Take in & apply God’s Word
Serve your family
Serve at Celebrate
Serve your community
Q&R: Week 2
Sermon begins at about 24 min
Aubrey Schneider continues a sermon series called “Q&R”. This series focuses on the questions people asked and how Jesus responded to them. Rather than Question and Answer, Jesus would often respond in a way that caused the listener to think deeper, and in that that find answers being revealed. The first sermon can be watched as video above. The second can be listened to below or on our podcast (audio is posted on Tuesdays)
Audio: (posted on Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Jesus Story: “The Girl No One Wanted”
Aubrey Schneider continues the sermon series called, “Jesus Story”. This series will take us through scripture with the help of The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. This children’s Bible tells the Story in a beautiful way for both children and adults. This week we read the story “The Girl No One Wanted”, which covers the story of Leah. Aubrey teaches on this story and shows us how we can see Jesus’ life within it. She focuses on how it feels to be “set aside”, and encourages us to see our situation differently. As the Jesus Storybook Bible says, “every story whispers His name”, even from the very first book of the Bible.
Sermon begins at about 40 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Things To Remember:
Scripture References:
Genesis 29:14-35
John 1:11
Luke 19:14
Matthew 27:21
Isaiah 53:3
Additional Resource: Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst
Quotes (both from Uninvited):
“Rejection isn't just an emotional feeling. It's a message that alters what you believe about yourself.”
“You aren't set aside, you're set apart”
Questions to consider:
Is God good?
Is God good to me?
Do I trust God to be God?
Things to Remember:
Jesus understood Leah's pain. He felt all of these same things when he walked the earth: being set aside, replaced, and rejected. He knows our pain and he loves us more than anyone else in the world ever could.
When Leah turned her attention to the Lord and looked to him for her identity and purpose, he blessed her immensely. What started as a painful situation for Leah led to two beautiful Old Testament institutions: {through Levi} the Levitical Priesthood (Moses & Aaron) and {through Judah} the Monarchy, King Jesus.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Would you consider gifting our pastors with your prayers? Cover them daily. Pray for their marriages and their kids.
Other Links and References:
Learn more about The Jesus Storybook Bible
Purchase The Jesus Storybook Bible
Let’s Go: Worshipfully
Aubrey Schneider continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 16:16-40 (Paul & Silas in Prison), and how we are called to go to Worshipfully as we encounter the world. See sermon notes and resources linked below.
This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was Jonah and Liv and their FCA Worship Night. You can see this interview here.
sermon begins at about 28 minutes.
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Things To Remember:
Paul & Silas were most likely in pain, hungry, tired, and simply exhausted. And at midnight, in prison, they chose to pray and worship the Lord.
What if the miracle of this account wasn't the earthquake, but the fact that the jailer and his entire family came to know and accept Jesus?
When we follow the nudge, we live in the F.O.G. (favor of God). And living in God's favor won't prevent bad things from happening in our lives, but supernaturally, we're able to experience the JOY of the Lord in the midst of hard things.
If you're worried about your ability to share the gospel, keep in mind that the Lord is the one who prepares and opens people's hearts. He saves, we don't. We can just be open to however he may need to use us to speak to someone.
80 some percent of unchurched people are open to the fact that God is real, they just need someone to tell them about him. And of those 80%, most have at least one Christian that they deeply trust.
"Every day, everyone one step closer to Jesus" ~Barry Meguiar
Scripture References:
Other Links and References:
Interview with Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in California with Barry Meguiar:
Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.
(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)
Kingdom Hospitality: Pentecost
Aubrey Schneider dives into the Kingdom Hospitality series. We learn from the Lord of Hosts, Jesus, and the day of Pentecost. Aubrey shares about how Jesus gave the disciples peace, purpose, and power.
Sermon begins at about 23 Minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Advent Week 4: Out of the Darkness (Peace)
Aubrey Schneider continues our Advent series, “Out of the Darkness…”. This series will carry us through Advent with a focus on what the prophet Isaiah wrote about the Messiah. This week’s focus is on PEACE. Scripture centers on Isaiah 11:1-10
Sermon begins at about 27 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Scripture References:
Things To Remember:
Other Sermon Notes and References:
Find resources for this and other Advent messages here.
People of Presence: Intercession (Not Giving Up)
Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues the sermon series, “People of Presence”. In this message, Aubrey Schneider begins the sermon with a personal story about prayer intercession. She also shares some takeaways about blessing others. Jon Suntken follows with thoughts on Bamboo trees, and how this mirrors our need to keep praying. Andrew concludes the message with encouragement to pray without ceasing, and to see how God is answering prayers even when we can't see what He is doing.
Sermon begins at 23:48
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Scripture References:
Blessing Prayer: Ephesians 3:16-20
Things To Remember:
We are to always pray and not give up. (Luke 18:1)
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. (2 Peter 3:9)
God you owe me leads to complaining and a focus on what God is not doing.
God you love me leads to thanksgiving and a focus on what God has done, is doing and promises to do in the future.
Bamboo Plant: Like the Babmoo plant that doesn't break the ground for 4 years and then grows 90 feet in 60 days, God is often at work under the surface in response to our prayers.
3 Things To Do When You Bless Others:
Use their name
Pray scripture
Pray out loud
Other Sermon Notes and References:
“When we move from petition (asking for things for ourselves) to intercession, we are shifting the center of gravity from our own needs to the needs and concerns of others. Intercessory prayer is selfless, even self-giving prayer.”