The Lord’s Servant: Week 5
Sermon begins at about 16 minutes
Pastor Judd Nelson concludes our Advent series “The Lord’s Servant”, which is part of our “Year of the Lord” focus for 2024. In this sermon series, we will hear about people like Mary who chose to be the Lord’s servant. We’ll ask ourselves, “Am I the Lord’s Servant”? These week we focus on Simeon and Anna as well.
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Christmas Eve 2024
Sermon begins at about 21 minutes
Pastor Andrew shares a Christmas Eve message with us. He touches on historical descriptions of Caesar Agustus, and compares them with the account of Jesus’ birth recorded in Luke. He encourages us to see that Jesus’ birth was truly good news for all people.
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
The Lord’s Servant: Week 4
Sermon begins at about 29 minutes
Pastor Andrew continues our Advent series “The Lord’s Servant”, which is part of our “Year of the Lord” focus for 2024. In this sermon series, we will hear about people like Mary who chose to be the Lord’s servant. We’ll ask ourselves, “Am I the Lord’s Servant”? These week we focus on Joseph as well.
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Slide Notes:
Review of series
Being the Lord’s servant starts with God’s grace
“Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you”
Being the Lord’s servant includes our response
“May your word to me be fulfilled”
Mary is the Lord’s servant
Elizabeth is the Lord’s servant
Gabriel is the Lord’s servant
Matthew 1:18-25
Joseph is the Lord’s servant
Joseph lived according to God’s Word by being faithful to God’s law (Matthew 1:19)
Joseph lived according to God’s Word by doing what the angel said in taking Mary to be his wife and in naming the baby Jesus. (Matthew 1:24-25)
Joseph did not consummate the marriage until after the baby was born.
It is easy to do the opposite and choose inconvenient commitment over immediate gratification.
Joseph, though seemingly betrayed by Mary, did not want to expose her but rather do things quietly.
It is easy to do the opposite and build a case against someone who has hurt us rather than put energy into doing what’s best for them.
Joseph sought to avoid publicly disgracing Mary and ended up show grace by sharing her disgrace.
It is easy to put other people down (disgrace them) as a way of making ourselves look better.
Are you the Lord’s servant?
When considering that we often live opposite than Joseph, we need to embrace the good news that Jesus saves his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).
To be the Lord’s servant we need to embrace the grace Jesus offers us again and again.
The Lord’s Servant: Week 3
Sermon begins at about 17 minutes
Aubrey Schneider continues our Advent series “The Lord’s Servant”, which is part of our “Year of the Lord” focus for 2024. In this sermon series, we will hear about people like Mary who chose to be the Lord’s servant. We’ll ask ourselves, “Am I the Lord’s Servant”?
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Slide Notes:
Overall passage: Luke 1:46-55
How do I respond to God? How do I respond to others? How do I respond when I'm facing something difficult in my life?
To be a faithful servant is to be a devoted and helpful follower, to be humble before God, to be ready to act as God nudges and inspires us, to help meet the needs of other people, and to remember that it is not about money or reward.
(Application Questions)
Am I the Lord's Servant?:
How well do I know the Word?
Am I humble before the Lord?
Am I ready to act how God prompts me?
Is worship my first response?
The Lord’s Servant: Week 2
Sermon begins at about 20 minutes
Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues our Advent series “The Lord’s Servant”, which is part of our “Year of the Lord” focus for 2024. In this sermon series, we will hear about people like Mary who chose to be the Lord’s servant. We’ll ask ourselves, “Am I the Lord’s Servant”?
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Slide Notes:
Luke 1:39-45, 56
Review from December 1
Being the Lord’s servant starts with God’s grace
“Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you”
Being the Lord’s servant includes our response
“May your word to me be fulfilled”
Luke 1:28
“Greetings”: Rejoice, joy, good news
“Highly favored”: full of grace, blessed, favored
Luke 1:39-41 [note: greeted, greeting, leaped]
Luke 1:44 [note: greeting, leaped for joy]
God filled greeting: there is potential power in our greetings if we are intentional and if God is involved.
Luke 1:42-45 [note Blessed (3x), and favored]
Spirit inspired blessing Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit which allows her to see and bless Mary and the Lord within her womb.
Luke 1:38
Luke 1:24-25
One who was disgraced is able to recognize grace in another thought to be disgraced and to bless her.
Mary is the Lord’s servant
Elizabeth is the Lord’s servant
Are you the Lord’s servant?
Are you the Lord’s servant?
Receive God’s grace for you
Spend time with God & with godly people
Give God filled greetings & Spirit inspired blessings
The Lord’s Servant: Week 1
Sermon begins at about 20 minutes
Pastor Andrew Schmidt begins our Advent series “The Lord’s Servant”, which is part of our “Year of the Lord” focus for 2024. In this sermon series, we will hear about people like Mary who chose to be the Lord’s servant. We’ll ask ourselves, “Am I the Lord’s Servant”? See notes from this Sunday’s message below.
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Slide Notes:
Luke 1:26-38
Luke 1:28 - key words “Greetings” & “Highly Favored”
“Greetings”: Rejoice
“highly favored”: full of grace
Joy = chara
Grace - charis
“Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you”
Being the Lord’s servant starts with God’s grace
Luke 1:29 - 37
Mary is to rejoice:
She has found favor, has been blessed, is full of grace
The Lord is with her, she need not be afraid
God is going to conceive and birth greatness in her, establishing God’s kingdom on the earth in her time
The Holy Spirit will rest on her, the power of the Most High will overshadow her
God’s Word for her will not fail, nothing is too hard for Him
Being the Lord’s servant includes Mary’s response
Luke 1:29, 34, 38
Mary is the Lord’s servant
Gabriel is the Lord’s servant
Are you the Lord’s servant?
What if God has favor for you?
What if God has a word for You?
What if God wants to birth something significant through you?
Zephaniah 3:14-17 “Rejoice, Daughter of Zion…be glad and rejoice..The Lord, the King is with you.” [The Lord is in your midst…literally in your womb]
“...his glorious grace, which he has freely given us” (Ephesians 1:6)
“Bestowed” = drenched
“Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you”
Are you the Lord’s servant?
Ready to receive His Word of grace for you?
Pondering over what His Word means to you?
Willing to have His Word be fulfilled through you?
Get Ready for Relating Well
Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues our Advent 2023 series “Get Ready!”. This series focuses on the life and ministry of John the Baptist and his role in preparing the way for Jesus. This week we focus on what it means to prepare the way for the Lord (GET READY!) by lovingly relating to others while also doing the right thing in a gracious way. We are encouraged to ask ourselves: How am I responding to the messengers God is sending me? How am I responding to the reality that He wants me to be His messenger?
Sermon begins at about 24 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Things To Remember:
Action Steps
Get ready (what does that mean for you personally)Get ready to share teh good news with others
Get ready by owning your decisions before the Lord and being gentle with others
Would you like to be baptized?
Get Ready for the Holy Spirit!
Pastor Andrew Schmidt begins our Advent 2023 series “Get Ready!”. This series focuses on the life and ministry of John the Baptist and his role in preparing the way for Jesus. This week we focus on what it means to prepare the way for the Lord (GET READY!) by being baptized, and the joy that comes with being immersed in the Holy Spirit. We are encouraged to consider how we can get ready in a personal way, by sharing the Good News, by being baptized/professing our faith and asking the Holy Spirit to fill us.
Sermon begins at about 23 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Get Ready for Fire!
Pastor Andrew Schmidt begins our Advent 2023 series “Get Ready!”. This series focuses on the life and ministry of John the Baptist and his role in preparing the way for Jesus. This week we focus on what it means to prepare the way for the Lord (GET READY!), and the hope of good news that God’s salvation is available to all. Repeated themes this week include calls to repentance and the peace that comes through the message of fire. We are encouraged to consider how we can get ready in a personal way, get ready to share the good news, and to get ready by fasting during Advent.
Sermon begins at about 35 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Christmas Eve 2022: A Great Light
Andrew Schmidt concludes our advent series, “Out of the Darkness…” with a Christmas Eve sermon, “A Great Light”. This series will has carried us through Advent with a focus on what the prophet Isaiah wrote about the Messiah.
Sermon begins at about 31 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Scripture References:
Things To Remember:
Other Sermon Notes and References:
Find resources for this and other Advent messages here.
Advent Week 4: Out of the Darkness (Peace)
Aubrey Schneider continues our Advent series, “Out of the Darkness…”. This series will carry us through Advent with a focus on what the prophet Isaiah wrote about the Messiah. This week’s focus is on PEACE. Scripture centers on Isaiah 11:1-10
Sermon begins at about 27 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Scripture References:
Things To Remember:
Other Sermon Notes and References:
Find resources for this and other Advent messages here.
Advent Week 3: Out of the Darkness (Joy)
Ali Cranmer continues our Advent series, “Out of the Darkness…”. This series will carry us through Advent with a focus on what the prophet Isaiah wrote about the Messiah. This week’s focus is on JOY. Scripture centers on Isaiah 35.
Sermon begins at about 23 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Advent Week 2: Out of the Darkness (Hope)
Pastor Judd Nelson continues our Advent series, “Out of the Darkness…”. This series will carry us through Advent with a focus on what the prophet Isaiah wrote about the Messiah. This week’s focus is on Isaiah 8:22-9:7
Sermon begins at about 36 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Scripture References:
Things To Remember:
Other Sermon Notes and References:
Find resources for this and other Advent messages here.
Advent Week 1: Out of the Darkness… (Faith)
Pastor Andrew Schmidt begins a new sermon series called “Out of the Darkness…”. This series will carry us through Advent with a focus on what the prophet Isaiah wrote about the Messiah. This week’s focus is on Isaiah 50:1-11
Sermon begins at about 26 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Scripture References:
Things To Remember:
Other Sermon Notes and References:
Find resources for this and other Advent messages here.