Explore Sermon Series
If you’re looking for a series that dates before 2022, we are currently working on archiving all of those sermons onto the website. In the meantime, you can find sermons on our Youtube channel, and our Vimeo Channel.
Note: We are no longer uploading videos to Vimeo, but you can still find the archived ones there. Sunday morning live services are uploaded automatically on Sunday mornings on Youtube, and sermons are placed on our website later in the week. See our most recent sermons here.
Below you can select a sermon series and find every message and resource associated with it.

The Word of the Lord

Servants and the Lord

The Lord's Prayers

Lord of the Sabbath

Q&R: Questions and Response

Fear of the Lord

Get Ready

Jesus Story

Let's Go!

Kingdom Hospitality

Brokenness and Suffering

Practice Gathering

Out of the Darkness... (Advent 2022)

People of Presence

What is God Doing

...What's In Store.