Sunday Worship
Sunday Mornings 10AM
Celebrate’s worship team will lead you in a time of intimacy with God through song. You can find a Youtube playlist of the music we use on Sundays at the button below.
Experience a time of teaching. You’ll hear from lead pastor Andrew Schmidt, as well as Celebrate’s other Pastors and Teaching Elders. The button below will take you to our most recent sermons.
Every Sunday we have prayer ministers available for you after service. We encourage you to ask for prayer. Our prayer ministers are trained to listen and respond. To request prayer outside of Sundays, click the button below.
Sunday worship lasts anywhere from 60-75 minutes.
Kids are ALWAYS welcome in worship! We do offer a program called Celebrate Kids during the school year that you are welcome to send your kids to. This program meets during worship service, but is on break for he summer. Nursery is open and available for children 4 and under. You can find out more here.
Nursery is available on Sunday mornings during both services. We also have a cry room attached to the Worship Center, where parents can give babies a break from the crowd if needed and still see/hear the service.
Again, babies are also welcome in service!
Celebrate church has absolutely no dress code. Some people enjoy dressing up, some like to be casual. You wear whatever you are most comfortable in!
There are parking lots on both sides of our building.
Check out our facility’s page for more info!