

All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

The Call- Week 10: The Call to Scripture and Celebration

Sermon begins at about 38 minutes

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a sermon series (week 10) called, “The Call”. The Big Theme of this series centers on the call of committing to be a covenant community when the surrounding culture seeks to eliminate your identity as the people of God. This week’s passage centers on Nehemiah 8:1-18, with emphasis on the Call to Scripture and Celebration.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:


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All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

The Call- Week 9: The Call to Persevere

Sermon begins at about 22 minutes

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a sermon series (week 9) called, “The Call”. The Big Theme of this series centers on the call of committing to be a covenant community when the surrounding culture seeks to eliminate your identity as the people of God. This week’s passage centers on Nehemiah 8:1-18, with emphasis on the Call to Persevere

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:


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All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

The Call- Week 8: The Call to Justice

Sermon begins at about 10 minutes

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a sermon series (week 8) called, “The Call”. The Big Theme of this series centers on the call of committing to be a covenant community when the surrounding culture seeks to eliminate your identity as the people of God. This week’s passages center on Nehemiah 5:1-19 and Zechariah 7-8:23, with emphasis on the Call to Justice.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:


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All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

The Call- Week 7: The Call to Work and Protect

Sermon begins at about 10 minutes

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a sermon series (week 7) called, “The Call”. The Big Theme of this series centers on the call of committing to be a covenant community when the surrounding culture seeks to eliminate your identity as the people of God. This week’s passages center on Nehemiah 4:1-23, with emphasis on the Call to Work and Protect.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:


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All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, The Call, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

The Call- Week 6: The Call to Rebuild

Sermon begins at about 25 minutes

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a sermon series (week 5) called, “The Call”. The Big Theme of this series centers on the call of committing to be a covenant community when the surrounding culture seeks to eliminate your identity as the people of God. This week’s passages center on Nehemiah 2:11-3:32, with emphasis on the Call to Rebuild.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:


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All Sermons, Pastor Andrew Schmidt, The Call, Ezra, Prayer Celebrate Church All Sermons, Pastor Andrew Schmidt, The Call, Ezra, Prayer Celebrate Church

The Call- Week 4: The Call to Renewal

Sermon begins at about 30 minutes

Pastor Andrew continues a sermon series (week 4) called, “The Call”. The Big Theme of this series centers on the call of committing to be a covenant community when the surrounding culture seeks to eliminate your identity as the people of God. This week’s passages center on Ezra 7:1-8:36, with emphasis on the Call to renewal.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:

Ezra lead God’s people into renewal. His example can move us toward renewal today.

Ezra 7:6-10

  • Ezra knew, obeyed, and taught God’s Word 

  • Ezra relied on God’s gracious hand to be with him

Ezra 7:7-26

  • Ezra was committed to the worship of God

Ezra 7:27-8:1; 8:15-20

  • Ezra was committed to the people of God

  • Ezra gathered, assembled, summoned leaders for God’s purposes

Ezra 8:21-23; 31-32

  • Ezra fasted & prayed for protection

  • Ezra proceeded with courage

Ezra 8:24-29; 33-34

  • Ezra raised funds and stewarded them with integrity

Ezra 9:1-15

  • Ezra humbles himself and confesses sin

Ezra 10:1-16

  • Ezra led people to repentance

The Call to God’s people:

  • God’s Word

  • Rely on God’s grace

  • Worship & pray

  • Commit to community

  • Assemble for God’s purposes

  • Fast & pray

  • Proceed with courage

  • Steward $ with integrity

  • Confess sin

  • Repentance

Ezra 8:35

The Old Covenant required sacrifice of animals for relationship with God

12 bulls, 96 rams, 77 male lambs, 12 male goats

The New Covenant Jesus is the once for all sacrifice for our sins providing the opportunity for relationship with God


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All Sermons, Pastor Andrew Schmidt, The Call, Ezra, Prayer Celebrate Church All Sermons, Pastor Andrew Schmidt, The Call, Ezra, Prayer Celebrate Church

The Call- Week 3: The Call To Prioritize

Sermon begins at about 30 minutes

Pastor Andrew continues a new sermon series (week 3) called, “The Call”. The Big Theme of this series centers on the call of committing to be a covenant community when the surrounding culture seeks to eliminate your identity as the people of God. This week’s passages center on Ezra 4:24-5:2; Haggai 1:1-2:9.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:


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All Sermons, Pastor Andrew Schmidt, The Call, Ezra, Prayer Celebrate Church All Sermons, Pastor Andrew Schmidt, The Call, Ezra, Prayer Celebrate Church

The Call- Week 2: The Call To Prayer

Sermon begins at about 14 minutes

Pastor Andrew continues a new sermon series (week 2) called, “The Call”. The Big Theme of this series centers on the call of committing to be a covenant community when the surrounding culture seeks to eliminate your identity as the people of God. This week’s passages center on Ezra 3:1-13.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:


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The Call- Week 1

Sermon begins at about 30 minutes

Pastor Andrew begins a new sermon series called, “The Call”. The Big Theme of this series centers on the call of committing to be a covenant community when the surrounding culture seeks to eliminate your identity as the people of God. This week’s passages center on Ezra 1:1-6 and Ezra 2:67-70. As we are celebrating the 25th Anniversary as a church, In this sermon Pastor Andrew also talks with founding Pastor Gary Roozeboom about God’s call on his life and the beginning of Celebrate Church.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:

This series centers on Ezra and Nehemiah.

Today’s passages are Ezra 1:1-6 and Ezra 2:67-70

Key Points:

The Call is both Individual and Communal.

The Call is both to Go and to Settle.

The Call is to be renewed.


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Christmas Eve 2024

Sermon begins at about 21 minutes

Pastor Andrew shares a Christmas Eve message with us. He touches on historical descriptions of Caesar Agustus, and compares them with the account of Jesus’ birth recorded in Luke. He encourages us to see that Jesus’ birth was truly good news for all people.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:


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The Lord’s Servant: Week 4

Sermon begins at about 29 minutes

Pastor Andrew continues our Advent series “The Lord’s Servant”, which is part of our “Year of the Lord” focus for 2024. In this sermon series, we will hear about people like Mary who chose to be the Lord’s servant. We’ll ask ourselves, “Am I the Lord’s Servant”? These week we focus on Joseph as well.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:

Review of series

Being the Lord’s servant starts with God’s grace

“Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you”

Being the Lord’s servant includes our response 

“May your word to me be fulfilled”

Mary is the Lord’s servant

Elizabeth is the Lord’s servant

Gabriel is the Lord’s servant

Matthew 1:18-25

Joseph is the Lord’s servant

Joseph lived according to God’s Word by being faithful to God’s law (Matthew 1:19)

Joseph lived according to God’s Word by doing what the angel said in taking Mary to be his wife and in naming the baby Jesus. (Matthew 1:24-25)

Joseph did not consummate the marriage until after the baby was born.

It is easy to do the opposite and choose inconvenient commitment over immediate gratification. 

Joseph, though seemingly betrayed by Mary, did not want to expose her but rather do things quietly.

It is easy to do the opposite and build a case against someone who has hurt us rather than put energy into doing what’s best for them.

Joseph sought to avoid publicly disgracing Mary and ended up show grace by sharing her disgrace. 

It is easy to put other people down (disgrace them) as a way of making ourselves look better. 

Are you the Lord’s servant?

When considering that we often live opposite than Joseph, we need to embrace the good news that Jesus saves his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

To be the Lord’s servant we need to embrace the grace Jesus offers us again and again. 


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The Lord’s Servant: Week 2

Sermon begins at about 20 minutes

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues our Advent series “The Lord’s Servant”, which is part of our “Year of the Lord” focus for 2024. In this sermon series, we will hear about people like Mary who chose to be the Lord’s servant. We’ll ask ourselves, “Am I the Lord’s Servant”?

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:

Luke 1:39-45, 56

Review from December 1

Being the Lord’s servant starts with God’s grace

“Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you”

Being the Lord’s servant includes our response 

“May your word to me be fulfilled”

Luke 1:28

“Greetings”: Rejoice, joy, good news

“Highly favored”: full of grace, blessed, favored

Luke 1:39-41 [note: greeted, greeting, leaped]

Luke 1:44 [note: greeting,  leaped for joy]

God filled greeting: there is potential power in our greetings if we are intentional and if God is involved.

Luke 1:42-45 [note Blessed (3x), and  favored]

Spirit inspired blessing Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit which allows her to see and bless Mary and the Lord within her womb.

Luke 1:38

Luke 1:24-25

One who was disgraced is able to recognize grace in another thought to be disgraced and to bless her. 

Mary is the Lord’s servant

Elizabeth is the Lord’s servant

Are you the Lord’s servant?

Are you the Lord’s servant?

Receive God’s grace for you

Spend time with God & with godly people

Give God filled greetings & Spirit inspired blessings


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The Lord’s Servant: Week 1

Sermon begins at about 20 minutes

Pastor Andrew Schmidt begins our Advent series “The Lord’s Servant”, which is part of our “Year of the Lord” focus for 2024. In this sermon series, we will hear about people like Mary who chose to be the Lord’s servant. We’ll ask ourselves, “Am I the Lord’s Servant”? See notes from this Sunday’s message below.

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:

Luke 1:26-38

Luke 1:28 - key words “Greetings” & “Highly Favored”

“Greetings”: Rejoice

“highly favored”: full of grace

Joy = chara

Grace - charis

“Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you”

Being the Lord’s servant starts with God’s grace

Luke 1:29 - 37

Mary is to rejoice:

  • She has found favor, has been blessed, is full of grace

  • The Lord is with her, she need not be afraid

  • God is going to conceive and birth greatness in her, establishing God’s kingdom on the earth in her time

  • The Holy Spirit will rest on her, the power of the Most High will overshadow her

  • God’s Word for her will not fail, nothing is too hard for Him

Being the Lord’s servant includes Mary’s response 

Luke 1:29, 34, 38

Mary is the Lord’s servant

Gabriel is the Lord’s servant

Are you the Lord’s servant?

What if God has favor for you?

What if God has a word for You?

What if God wants to birth something significant through you?

Zephaniah 3:14-17 “Rejoice, Daughter of Zion…be glad and rejoice..The Lord, the King is with you.” [The Lord is in your midst…literally in your womb]

“...his glorious grace, which he has freely given us” (Ephesians 1:6)

“Bestowed” = drenched 

“Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you”

Are you the Lord’s servant?

Ready to receive His Word of grace for you?

Pondering over what His Word means to you?

Willing to have His Word be fulfilled through you?


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Lord of the Nations: Week 1

Sermon begins at about 19 minutes

Pastor Andrew Schmidt begins our new sermon series, “Lord of the Nations”.

Main points of this series are:

Jesus is the Lord of the Nations and He:

Rules over the nations

Brings salvation to the nations

Receives worship from the nations

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:

The Lord of the nations:

Rules over the nations

Brings salvation to the nations

Receives worship from the nations

Rules over the nations

Psalm 22:28

Romans 15:12

Brings salvation to the nations

Isaiah 49:6

Luke 24:46-47

Receives worship from the nations

Isaiah 66:18-21

Revelation 7:9-10

Our primary allegiance is to the Lord Jesus

Romans 10:9

Philiippians 3:20

Romans 14:7-9

We are not of the world, but we are to be for the world

John 18:33-36

John 19:7-11

John 19:12-16

John 17:15-18

We are to foster reconciliation now as much as ever

2 Corinthians 5:14-6:2

We have a hope not from this world that allows us to be people of hope in this world 

1 Peter 3:15


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The Word of the Lord: Week 7

Sermon begins at about 29 minutes

Pastor Andrew Schmidt concludes a sermon series called, “The Word of the Lord”. The primary goal of this series is that we all would come to know God’s personal words for our lives through the practice of meditating on well known Bible passages. For week 7 the focus is on declaring scripture in song.

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:

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The Word of the Lord: Week 5

Sermon begins at about 15 minutes

Pastor Andrew continues a sermon series called, “The Word of the Lord”. The primary goal of this series is that we all would come to know God’s personal words for our lives through the practice of meditating on well known Bible passages. For week 5 the focus is on the prophetic way in which God’s word speaks to us and through us. Ali Cranmer opens by leading us in a time of confession. Fran Vander Hart shares a scripture reading as the sermon begins.

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:

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The Word of the Lord: Week 4

Sermon begins at about 15 minutes

Pastor Andrew continues a sermon series called, “The Word of the Lord”. The primary goal of this series is that we all would come to know God’s personal words for our lives through the practice of meditating on well known Bible passages. For week 4 the focus is on the authority of Scripture. Pastor Judd opens by leading us in a time of confession. Terri Gotta shares a scripture reading as the sermon begins.

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:
The Scripture of the Lord:

We are to give the Bible authority in our lives so that we can know Jesus and the life He

offers us.


Meditate on Scripture daily

Memorize weekly/monthly

Make Bible intake a priority in your life

2 Timothy 3:14-4:3

Highest authority isn’t what we want, what we think we need, what we are feeling. Highest

authority is the Lord who communicates through the Scripture for our good.

John 5:37-40

Knowing the Bible really well for information and inspiration isn’t the point. The Bible by God’s

Spirit puts us connects us to Jesus who gives us life.

Luke 24:25–27

Luke 24:30-32

Luke 24:44-49

Jesus by the Spirit opens the Scriptures to us so we can see and know him clearly and our

hearts can come alive.

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The Word of the Lord: Week 3

Sermon begins at about 20 minutes

Pastor Andrew continues a new series called, “The Word of the Lord”. The primary goal of this series is that we all would come to know God’s personal words for our lives through the practice of meditating on well known Bible passages. For week two the focus is The Gospel. Ali Cranmer opens with scripture meditation and confession. Geoff Wheelock shares a scripture reading and Andrew asks him questions related to his military service, and how that informs his views as he reads scripture.

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:

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The Word of the Lord: Week 2

Sermon begins at about 20 minutes

Pastor Andrew continues a new series called, “The Word of the Lord”. The primary goal of this series is that we all would come to know God’s personal words for our lives through the practice of meditating on well known Bible passages. For week two the focus is The Gospel. Camille Schmidt opens with scripture meditation and confession. Bob Bingham and Jared Lee Rietveld share scripture readings along with their thoughts as well!

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

All Scriptures from This Sermon

Sermon Slide Notes:

The Gospel of the Lord

We are to embrace and proclaim the good news of salvation from God

gospel = good news

Mark 1:1

The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God…

The ‘Gospels’: accounts of Jesus life, death & resurrection

  • Matthew

  • Mark

  • Luke

  • John

Good news (Mark 1:14-15):

The availability of God’s Presence & Action through Jesus

Good news (Mark 4:23-25):

Healing and deliverance from evil are available in Jesus Name

Good news (Luke 4:18-19):

God is for the poor, oppressed and marginalized

Good news (John 3:16-17; Mark 2:13-17):

God comes to sinners not to condemn but to save

Good news (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 5:6-8, Ephesians 2:8-9):

God through Jesus did for us what we can’t do for ourselves

Good news (Romans 4:23-26; 2 Corinthians 5:21):

Jesus sacrifice justified me ‘just as if I had not sinned’

Jesus act of atonement made me ‘at-one with God’

Good news (1 John 3:1, Hebrews 2:10-11, Galatians 3:26-28):

In Christ we are God’s people, members of his family

Good news (1 Corinthians 15:12-26; 35-58 The Message version):

We have life after death through Jesus resurrection

Good news (Romans 8:18-21):

The curse of creation will be reversed

We are destined for glory

Good news (2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Revelation 21:1-4):

No matter how hard life is it can’t compare to life with God in eternity

Good news (Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 8:28-39):

If you say yes to Jesus God will be with you always

We are to embrace and proclaim the good news of salvation from God


Meditate on Scripture daily

Memorize weekly/monthly

Practice confession & assurance

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The Word of the Lord: Week 1

Sermon begins at about 24 minutes

Pastor Andrew begins a new series called, “The Word of the Lord”. The primary goal of this series is that we all would come to know God’s personal words for our lives through the practice of meditating on well known Bible passages. For week one the focus is The Law of the Lord. Aubrey Schneider opens with scripture meditation, and Issac Short shares a scripture reading as well.

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Slide Notes:


Psalm 1

Psalm 1:2

Joshua 1:7-8

Psalm 119:9-11

Psalm 19:7-14

Matthew 5:17-20

Matthew 22:34-39

Psalm 1

Psalm 1:2

We are to memorize and meditate on God’s law (God’s teaching/instruction)

Psalm 119:9-11

Psalm 19:7-14

Threefold purpose of the law:

Mirror: shows our sin & need for a Savior

Curb:  restrain from sin

Guide: shows us how to please God

Matthew 5:17-20

Matthew 22:34-39

We are to memorize and meditate on God’s Word (God’s teaching)


Meditate on Scripture daily

Memorize weekly/monthly


Lectio 365 App

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