Servants and the Lord: Week 7
Sermon begins at about 15 minutes
Pastor Andrew Schmidt concludes a sermon series called “Servants and the Lord”.
Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Notes:
Scriptures To Think About:
Servants and the Lord: Week 6
Sermon begins at about 20 minutes
Ali Cranmer continues a sermon series called “Servants and the Lord”.
Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Notes:
The Chosen Video Clip (Peter asks Jesus about Forgiveness)
Quote from Louie Giglio:
It is difficult to overstate the importance of unity among believers. Unity was one of the most obvious characteristics of the early church and at least in part led to the remarkably effective spread of the gospel.
Scriptures To Think About:
Servants and the Lord: Week 5
Sermon begins at about 20 minutes
Ali Cranmer continues a sermon series called “Servants and the Lord”.
Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Servants and the Lord: Week 4
Sermon begins at about 20 minutes
Matt Van Sant continues a sermon series called “Servants and the Lord”.
Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Servants and the Lord: Week 3
Sermon begins at about 16 minutes
Director of Ministry Aubrey Schneider continues a new sermon series called “Servants and the Lord”. In this sermon, Aubrey focuses on Luke 16:10-15 and Psalm 24:1. She asks us to consider the question, “Am I willing to lay everything I have before the Lord and give my life as an offering?”
Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Notes:
Scriptures To Think About:
Application Steps
Ask yourself: Am I willing to lay everything I have before the Lord, and give my life as an offering?
Take in & apply God’s Word
Serve your family
Serve at Celebrate
Serve your community
Servants and the Lord: Week 2
Sermon begins at about 20 minutes
Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a new sermon series called “Servants and the Lord”. In this sermon, he centers on the story of the Centurion who asks Jesus to heal his servant in Matthew 8:5-13.
Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Notes:
Scriptures To Think About:
Important Things To Remember:
Jesus called us friends in John 15:14-15, but that does not mean we are no longer servants. We see this in how the people Jesus spoke to in the room referred to themselves later in their letters as servants. We are both friends and servants of God.
Quotes To Remember:
“A servant gives service to someone, but a slave belongs to someone”.
“We commit ourselves to do something, but when we surrender ourselves to someone, we give ourselves up.” -Murray Harris
Application Steps
Take in & apply God’s Word
Serve your family
Serve at Celebrate
Serve your community
Servants and the Lord: Week 1
Sermon begins at about 23 minutes
Pastor Judd Nelson kicks off a new sermon series called “Servants and the Lord” by inviting up a panel of those who served in Abaco this summer.
Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.