

Servants and the Lord: Week 6

Sermon begins at about 20 minutes

Ali Cranmer continues a sermon series called “Servants and the Lord”.

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Notes:

The Chosen Video Clip (Peter asks Jesus about Forgiveness)

Garden of the Heart Prayer

Quote from Louie Giglio:

It is difficult to overstate the importance of unity among believers. Unity was one of the most obvious characteristics of the early church and at least in part led to the remarkably effective spread of the gospel.

Scriptures To Think About:

Matthew 18:21-35

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Servants and the Lord: Week 5

Sermon begins at about 20 minutes

Ali Cranmer continues a sermon series called “Servants and the Lord”.

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Sermon Notes:

Scriptures To Think About:

Luke 19:11-27, Matthew 25:14-30

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Fear of the Lord: Week 5

Sermon begins at about 30 min

Hospitality Pastor Ali Cranmer (first service) and Pastor Andrew Schmidt (second service) continue a sermon series called “The Fear of the Lord”, which is part of our theme for this year, “Year of the Lord”. Andrew and Ali used different scripture in each sermon. The first sermon can be watched as video below. The second can be listened to below or on our podcast.

Note: In Ali’s message, she used a clip from The Chosen. Youtube cut the audio during that portion. You can watch that video here!


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

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Jesus Story: “God to the Rescue”

Ali Cranmer continues the sermon series called, “Jesus Story”. This series will take us through scripture with the help of The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. This children’s Bible tells the Story in a beautiful way for both children and adults. This week we read the story “God to the Rescue”, which covers the story of Moses and the plagues of Egypt. Ali teaches on this story and shows us how we can see Jesus’ life within it. As the Jesus Storybook Bible says, “every story whispers His name”, even from the very first book of the Bible.

Sermon begins at about 30 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

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Jesus Story: “The Forgiving Prince”

Ali Cranmer continues the sermon series called, “Jesus Story”. This series will take us through scripture with the help of The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. This children’s Bible tells the Story in a beautiful way for both children and adults. This week we read the story “The Forgiving Prince”, which covers the story of Joseph. Ali teaches on this story and shows us how we can see Jesus’ life within it. As the Jesus Storybook Bible says, “every story whispers His name”, even from the very first book of the Bible.

Sermon begins at about 23 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Ali Cranmer Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Ali Cranmer Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Reason with Them

Ali Cranmer continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 17:16-34 (Paul in Athens), and how we are called to move idols out of our life and give our attention to Jesus. See sermon notes and resources linked below.

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with Shelly Braley. You can see this interview here.

sermon begins at about 20 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Scripture References:

Acts 17:16-34

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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Kingdom Hospitality: Woman At The Well

Director of Hospitality Ali Cranmer teaches in the Kingdom Hospitality series. We learn from the Lord of Hosts, Jesus, as He interacts with the woman at the well. During this message, Ali uses a video from The Chosen to help teach the message. Scroll down to watch that video (it is muted during the sermon broadcast).

Sermon begins at about 30 Minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Scripture References:

Other Sermon Notes and References:

To watch The Chosen on your phone or smart tv for free, visit this link for info on how to download.

Ali uses this video from The Chosen in her sermon.

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Advent Week 3: Out of the Darkness (Joy)

Ali Cranmer continues our Advent series, “Out of the Darkness…”. This series will carry us through Advent with a focus on what the prophet Isaiah wrote about the Messiah. This week’s focus is on JOY. Scripture centers on Isaiah 35.

Sermon begins at about 23 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Scripture References:

Isaiah 35

Things To Remember:

Other Sermon Notes and References:

Find resources for this and other Advent messages here.

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People of Presence: Imagination

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues the sermon series, “People of Presence”. In this message, Ali Cranmer shares about imagination, and how important it is to imagine with God. Pastor Andrew emphasizes this point and encourages the church to invite God into our imagination. Ali finishes by leading us through a prayer called The Garden of The Heart Prayer.

Sermon begins at 37:26


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Scripture References:

Matthew 22:37-38 (emphasis on “all your mind”)

Things To Remember:

Other Sermon Notes and References:

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