

All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Be Shepherds

Pastor Andrew Schmidt concludes our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 20:25-38 (Instructions to elders) . See sermon notes and resources linked below.

Sermon begins at about 27 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Scripture References:

Acts 20:25-38

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Judd Nelson Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Judd Nelson Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Comfort

Pastor Judd Nelson continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 20:13-24 (raising of Eutychus) . See sermon notes and resources linked below.

Sermon begins at about 21 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Things To Remember:

Scripture References:

Acts 20:13-24

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Encourage

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 19:23-20:3 (riot & aftermath). See sermon notes and resources linked below.

During this series, Andrew also highlights Baptism.

Sermon begins at about 21 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Things To Remember:

Scripture References:

Acts 19:23-20:3

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Drive out Evil

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Let’s Go: Drive out Evil Acts 19:13-22 (responses to idolatry). See sermon notes and resources linked below.

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with representatives of the Abaco Team. You can see this interview here.

Sermon begins at about 20 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Things To Remember:

Paul continued to go in the name of Jesus to bring the name of Jesus (Acts 19-20).

As he did he had a wide variety of traveling companions who also were intentionally going in the name of Jesus. 

There was pressure (economic, cultural, communal, spiritual, to reputations) in Ephesus to not put Jesus first (Acts 19:24-28). Having others around was good for Paul to make a wise decision in the midst of pressure.

Paul went from place to place and he "encouraged" people in their faith (Acts 20:1-3). He is able to encourage because he had people with him to encourage him. 

We need to travel in life with people who help us intentionally keep the Lord our top priority. 

This will help us deal with the pressure of life that can beat us down and cause us to look to others things more than the Lord.

This will also help us encourage others in their faith, because are with people who will encourage us in ours.

Let’s Go…

…with others who are contagious with Jesus…

…to resist pressure & encourage people in their faith.

Scripture References:

Acts 19:13-22

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Supernaturally

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Let’s Go: Supernaturally Acts 19:1-12 (Holy Spirit power). See sermon notes and resources linked below.

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with the Judd Nelson and Jamie Ball. You can see this interview here.

Sermon begins at about 32 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Paul stayed in Ephesus for two years so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord (Acts 19:10) AND the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power (Acts 19:20).

How was the word of the Lord heard by all in a region?

How did the word of the Lord spread widely and grow in power?

Paul and other followers committed to gathering daily (even at the most inconvenient time) to hear from and grow in Jesus. 

To grow in spiritual power and authority we make our goal to know Jesus personally (Acts 19:15) and to hold Jesus' name in high regard (Acts 19:17). 

The goal of evil powers is to prevent us from doing the above two things. But Paul and his companions did them. As a result the world of the Lord was heard by all, spread widely and grew in power.

Scripture References:

Acts 19:1-12

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Guest Speaker, Klayton Korver Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Guest Speaker, Klayton Korver Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Explain

Guest Speaker Klayton Korver continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 18:18-28. See sermon notes and resources linked below.

Sermon begins at about 31 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Scripture References:

Acts 18:18-28

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Stay in the City

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 18:1-17 (Paul in Corinth). See sermon notes and resources linked below.

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with the Fopma family. You can see this interview here.

This video is the sermon only. It was uploaded later due to a sound issue in our livestream. To see the full service, go here.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Scripture References:

Acts 18:1-17

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Ali Cranmer Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Ali Cranmer Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Reason with Them

Ali Cranmer continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 17:16-34 (Paul in Athens), and how we are called to move idols out of our life and give our attention to Jesus. See sermon notes and resources linked below.

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with Shelly Braley. You can see this interview here.

sermon begins at about 20 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Scripture References:

Acts 17:16-34

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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Let’s Go: Eagerly Examine

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 17:1-15 (Thess/Bereans & Scripture), and how we are called to eagerly examine God’s word. See sermon notes and resources linked below.

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with the Bender family. You can see this interview here.

sermon begins at about 29 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Paul and Silas continue to go through Macedonia to proclaim the gospel. Traveling about 95 miles from Philippi to Thessalonica and then about 35 miles from Thessalonica to Berea. 

The time of ministry is meant to be compared. In both Thessalonica (vs. 4) and Berea (vs. 12) many Greeks and quite a few prominent women were persuaded by Paul's message and believed. But only some of the Thessalonian Jews were persuaded compared to the many Berean Jews who believed. 

Acts 17:11 clearly and explicitly contrasts the character and actions of the Berean Jews from those of the Thessalonian Jews (which can be seen in more detail from the previous verses). 

Thessalonian Jews 


Rejected Jesus as Messiah               

Appeal to human authority                 

Scripture once a week                       

Someone else teaching                     

Berean Jews 

Noble (well-pleased)

Received Jesus as Messiah

Appealed to Scripture as authority

Scripture every day

Examining for themselves

Which list above is more true of you?

Let's Go...

examine the Scriptures...

...and eagerly receive Jesus. 

Scripture References:

Acts 17:1-15

Other Links and References:

Lectio 365 Apps


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Aubrey Schneider Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Aubrey Schneider Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Worshipfully

Aubrey Schneider continues our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 16:16-40 (Paul & Silas in Prison), and how we are called to go to Worshipfully as we encounter the world. See sermon notes and resources linked below.

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was Jonah and Liv and their FCA Worship Night. You can see this interview here.

sermon begins at about 28 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Paul & Silas were most likely in pain, hungry, tired, and simply exhausted. And at midnight, in prison, they chose to pray and worship the Lord.

  • What if the miracle of this account wasn't the earthquake, but the fact that the jailer and his entire family came to know and accept Jesus? 

  • When we follow the nudge, we live in the F.O.G. (favor of God). And living in God's favor won't prevent bad things from happening in our lives, but supernaturally, we're able to experience the JOY of the Lord in the midst of hard things. 

  • If you're worried about your ability to share the gospel, keep in mind that the Lord is the one who prepares and opens people's hearts. He saves, we don't. We can just be open to however he may need to use us to speak to someone. 

  • 80 some percent of unchurched people are open to the fact that God is real, they just need someone to tell them about him. And of those 80%, most have at least one Christian that they deeply trust. 

  • "Every day, everyone one step closer to Jesus" ~Barry Meguiar

Scripture References:

Acts 16:16-40

Other Links and References:

Interview with Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in California with Barry Meguiar:


Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.

(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Matt Van Sant Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Matt Van Sant Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Places

Matt Van Sant continues a new sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message will be LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 16:11-15 (Lydia in Philippi), and how we are called to go to PLACES that need Jesus.

During the sermon, Matt asks everyone to take a moment to discuss their favorite movies that they recommend to others.

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with Isaac Short and Justin Kingrey. You can see her interview here.

sermon begins at about 25 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

Scripture References:

Acts 16:11-15

Other Links and References:

Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE. (You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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Let’s Go: Help

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a new sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message will be LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 16:6 -10 (Vision from Macedonia), and how we are called to go and HELP others.

During the sermon, we watched a video that was brought to us by our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. It detailed how Celebrate’s support has impacted the refugees in Ukraine. We were all moved and grateful to see this video!

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with Jackie McLain. You can see her interview here.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

The books of Acts has stories of believers going to spread the word of good news about Jesus. 

Acts 16:6-10 shows Paul and his companions going from place to place with the same aim. 

Maps can help us see the extent to which Paul and companions were willing to go for the sake of the gospel. 

Acts 16:9 indicates that they were going to help.

They tried to do this in Asia and Bithynia, but were prevented from doing so. The concluded after seeing a vision that they were being called by God to Macedonia.

There are many ways we can "go help where God has called us". 

In this passage the specific way they did this was to preach the gospel.

The phrase "preach the gospel" is one word in Greek; the same where from which we get "evangelize".

Evangelize = bring glad tidings, share good news

When we are excited about something we look forward to communicating it with others. 

So in summary this passage is saying:

Let's Go... and evangelize...

where God has called us!

Scripture References:

Acts 16:6 -10

Other Links and References:

Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE. (You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)

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All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church All Sermons, Let's Go, Acts, Pastor Andrew Schmidt Celebrate Church

Let’s Go: Strengthen 

Pastor Andrew Schmidt begins a new sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message will be LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is from Acts 15:36 - 16:5 (Paul, Silas, Timothy), and how we are called to go and STRENGTHEN others.

This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with Michael and Jacque Moats. You can see their interview here.

Sermon begins at about 23 Minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

In Acts disciples of Jesus go to places share the gospel

Acts 11:19-30 

Nameless disciples go share the gospel in Antioch and a great number of people believe and turn to the Lord.

When Jerusalem church leaders hear about Antioch they send Barnabbas to go to Antioch where he encourages the disciples to remain true to the Lord with all their heart.

Then Barnabas decides to go get Saul in Tarsus and Saul decides to go back to Antioch with him where strengthens a great number of believers by teaching God's Word. 

Acts 13:1-3

The leaders are gathering in God's Presence through worship, prayer and fasting when they receive a message to set apart Saul and Barnabbas to go spread the gospel.

Acts 14:21-22

Saul and Barnabbas go to Cryprus and Galatia sharing the good news, then they go back to those places where they have founded "strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith.

Acts 15:30-35

The Jerusalem sends Judas and Silas to go to Antioch with an encouraging message for Gentile believers. 

Through prophecy Judas a Silas encourage and strengthen the believers. 

Then are sent to go back to Jerusalem with the blessing of peace from the Antioch church.

Acts 15:36-41

Paul and Silas decide to go back through Syria and Cilicia to Galatia strengthening the churches. 

Acts 16:1-5

Paul and Silas go through Galatia taking Timothy with them and "the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers."

Encourage = Parakaleo (used over 100 times in the New Testament)

Para = come to the side of, come close to

Kaleo = to call

Parakaleo -> translated as: encourage, comfort, console, exhort, beg, urge, plead, appeal 

(with a stronger force than normal: urge)

Parakaleo — Parakletos

Parakaletos is the word used by Jesus to describe the Holy Spirit in John 14 and 16 (translated Advocate or Helper or Comforter or Counselor)


Let’s Go…

…strengthen and encourage others…

…in their faith in Jesus with Holy Spirit’s help!

Scripture References:

Acts 15:36 - 16:5

Other Sermon Notes and References:

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Practice Gathering: Prayer

Pastor Andrew concludes our sermon series called, “Practice Gathering”. This series focused on Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This week focused on prayer. Andrew encouraged the congregation to put the things they’ve learned over the last several weeks into practice. The congregation joined together in prayer during the service.

Sermon begins at about 20 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Scripture References:

Acts 2:42-47

Things To Remember:

Other Sermon Notes and References:

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Practice Gathering: Prayer

Matt Van Sant continues our sermon series called, “Practice Gathering”. This series focuses on Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This week focuses on prayer. Matt encourages us to focus on Jesus as the center of our lives and our gathering worship.

Sermon begins at about 30 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Scripture References:

Acts 2:42-47

Things To Remember:

Other Sermon Notes and References:

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Practice Gathering: Breaking of Bread (Communion)

Pastor Judd Nelson continues a new sermon series called, “Practice Gathering”. This series focuses on Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This week focuses on how the early Christians in Acts devoted themselves to gathering together for the purpose of sharing meals with one another. Judd focuses on what it means to remember what God has done as we gather together and share in communion.

Sermon begins at about 17 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Scripture References:

Acts 2:42-47

Deuteronomy 4:9,23

1 Cor 11:23-25,26

Mark 14:25

1Cor 10:16-17

Things To Remember:

Other Sermon Notes and References:

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Practice Gathering: Breaking of Bread (Sharing Meals)

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a new sermon series called, “Practice Gathering”. This series focuses on Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This week focuses on how the early Christians in Acts devoted themselves to gathering together for the purpose of sharing meals with one another. Andrew focuses on what it means to have have “food in the name of Jesus”.

Sermon begins at about 22 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Scripture References:

Acts 2: 41-42

Luke 5:27-39, 7:36-50, 10:38-42, 11:37-52, 14:1-24, 19:1-27, 22:7-38, 24:28-49

Things To Remember:

When the church was birthed in Acts followers of Jesus met together every day to keep their relationship with God vibrant.

They devoted themselves to the breaking of bread (Acts 2:42) and this included eating together with glad and sincere hearts (Acts 2:46).

There are many ways that we can do "food in the Name of Jesus".

We can talk about God and his ways over food, just like Jesus did (see Luke 5:27-39, 7:36-50, 10:38-42, 11:37-52, 14:1-24, 19:1-27, 22:7-38, 24:28-49).

We can share life with people over food and help cultivate a sense of family with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We can share food with those who need it or as an act of love to those who are hurting.

We can pray before or after meals including in ways that would specifically bless those with us at the table. 

We can do what the disciples did in the feeding of the 5000 story: offer what we have to Jesus, ask Him to bless it, then watch him multiply the blessing through us as we share it with others. 

Other Sermon Notes and References:

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Practice Gathering: Fellowship (Sharing Resources)

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a new sermon series called, “Practice Gathering”. This series focuses on Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This week focuses on how the early Christians in Acts devoted themselves to gathering together for the purpose of sharing resources with one another. (See notes below for more)

Sermon begins at about 27 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Scripture References:

Acts 2: 41-42

Acts 2:44

Acts 4:32

Romans 12:13

Romans 15:26

2 Corinthians 8:4

2 Corinthians 9:13

Galatians 6:6

Philippians 4:14, 4:15

1 Timothy 6:18

Hebrews 13:16

Things To Remember:

When the church was birthed in Acts followers of Jesus met together every day to keep their relationship with God vibrant.

They devoted themselves to [the] fellowship. (Acts 2:42)

The Greek word koinonia can be both a noun and a verb so they committed themselves to fellowshiping (actively participating and sharing) in a fellowship (community bound by the common purpose of following Jesus). 

Acts 2:44 shows that this including sharing financial/material resources.

Of the approximately 30 times a form of koina or koinonia is used in the New Testament at least 11 times it is connected to this kind of sharing financial resources (Acts 2:44, Acts 4:32, Romans 12:13, Romans 15:26, 2 Corinthians 8:4, 2 Corinthians 9:13, Galatians 6:6, Philippians 4:14 & 4:15, 1 Timothy 6:18, Hebrews 13:16).

The Bible promotes the contributing of financial resources to the ministry for the Lord in the Old and New Testament in principles that include:

Tithing: giving 10% of your income to God's kingdom work 

Firstfruits: setting aside a portion of your income (perhaps your tithe) before spending

Offerings: additional giving beyond the tithe 

Giving to the poor: Sharing financial with those in need

We are encouraged to excel in the grace of giving and operate in the same generous spirit of Jesus. (2 Corinthians 8:7-9)

God promises to bless our generosity by meeting our needs and in order to allow us to continue to be generous. (2 Corinthians 9:8-11)

Other Sermon Notes and References:

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Practice Gathering: Fellowship (Sharing Life)

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a new sermon series called, “Practice Gathering”. This series focuses on Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This week focuses on how the early Christians in Acts devoted themselves to gathering together for the purpose of sharing life with one another. (See notes below for more)

Sermon begins at about 29 minutes.


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Scripture References:

Acts 2: 41-42

Acts 2:38-41

1 John 1:3, 6-7

John 13:34-35

Romans 12:1-13

John 15:12-13

John 15:16-17

Things To Remember:

When the church was birthed in Acts followers of Jesus met together every day to keep their relationship with God vibrant. Do you regularly set aside times to meet with other believers and intentionally grow in your faith?

When we have a relationship (are in fellowship) with Jesus we become part of his Body and are called to have relationships (be in fellowship with) other Jesus followers.

The early devoted themselves to [the] fellowship. The Greek word for fellowship is koinonia. 

As a noun it means association, fellowship, community of people living life together with a common purpose (following Jesus). 

As a verb it means sharing, participating, contributing in a community of people. 

We are to be devoted to a fellowship or fellowships (koinonia) of committed Jesus followers. Are you?

We are to be devoted to fellowshiping with a fellowship of committed Jesus followers. Are you? 

Other Sermon Notes and References:

“The Body of Christ is nothing other than a fellowship of persons. It is the ‘fellowship of Jesus Christ’ [1 Cor 1:9] or ‘fellowship of the Holy Spirit’ [2 Cor 13:14, Phil. 2:1] where fellowship or koinonia signifies a common participation, a togetherness, a community life.” -Emil Brunner

“The faithful are bound to each other through their common sharing in Christ and in the Holy Spirit…” -Emil Brunner

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Practice Gathering: The Scriptures

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a new sermon series called, “Practice Gathering”. This series focuses on Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This week focuses on how the early Christians in Acts devoted themselves to gathering together and listening to the Apostles teaching, with emphasis on The Scriptures.

Sermon begins at about 49 minutes (this Sunday we welcomed new elders, so the sermon started later in the service than usual).


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Scripture References:

Acts 2: 41-42

Things To Remember:

When the church was birthed in Acts followers of Jesus met together every day to keep their relationship with God vibrant. How often do you think you should meet with other believers with the intentional purpose of growing in your faith?

Followers devoted themselves to the Apostle's teaching which includes:

  • Listening to teaching from those who know Jesus well and can help us learn how to receive God's love and love others.

  • Learning from the Scriptures of the Bible which point us to Jesus

  • Studying the Scriptures together with others

In the coming weeks or months find a way to gather with others around the Scriptures for a season.

Other Sermon Notes and References:

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