Let’s Go: Help
Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a new sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message will be LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 16:6 -10 (Vision from Macedonia), and how we are called to go and HELP others.
During the sermon, we watched a video that was brought to us by our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. It detailed how Celebrate’s support has impacted the refugees in Ukraine. We were all moved and grateful to see this video!
This sermon series also highlights people who are going in our own communities. This week’s interview was with Jackie McLain. You can see her interview here.
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Things To Remember:
The books of Acts has stories of believers going to spread the word of good news about Jesus.
Acts 16:6-10 shows Paul and his companions going from place to place with the same aim.
Maps can help us see the extent to which Paul and companions were willing to go for the sake of the gospel.
Acts 16:9 indicates that they were going to help.
They tried to do this in Asia and Bithynia, but were prevented from doing so. The concluded after seeing a vision that they were being called by God to Macedonia.
There are many ways we can "go help where God has called us".
In this passage the specific way they did this was to preach the gospel.
The phrase "preach the gospel" is one word in Greek; the same where from which we get "evangelize".
Evangelize = bring glad tidings, share good news
When we are excited about something we look forward to communicating it with others.
So in summary this passage is saying:
Let's Go...
...help and evangelize...
where God has called us!
Scripture References:
Other Links and References:
Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE. (You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)