Kingdom Hospitality: The Good Samaritan

Pastor Andrew dives into the Kingdom Hospitality series. We learn from the Lord of Hosts, Jesus, as teaches the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:25-37

Sermon begins at about 31 Minutes


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Things To Remember:

This week we learn about receiving and giving hospitality from Jesus (the LORD of hosts) through the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).

There are two things that help us better understand the points Jesus was making with this story. 

First, the story is framed by a conversation Jesus has with an expert in the law. Two times the lawyer as Jesus a question. Each time responds to the question with a question and then gives his answer after the lawyer answers.

Lawyer Q1: “...what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Jesus Q2: “What is written in the law? How do you read it?”

Lawyer A2: “Love the Lord your God and your neighbor”

Jesus A1: “Do this and you will live”

Lawyer Q3: “And who is my neighbor?”

Jesus Q4: “Which of the three was a neighbor?”

Lawyer A4: “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus A3: “Go and do likewise”

Kingdom Hospitality: You become a neighbor to others

The lawyers question is about what qualities in other determine who he has to love as a neighbor. Jesus' response through the use of the Good Samaritan story is that he should focus on the qualities/actions of himself to become a neighbor to others.

Second, there is a pattern in the story of seven scenes that compares and contrasts the characters in the story and provides the main point through the climax in the middle. 

1. (Robbers) Injure/Steal Money

2. (Priest) Sees & does nothing

3. (Levite) Sees & does nothing

4. (Samaritan) Sees & takes pity

5. (Samaritan) Treats Wounds

6. (Samaritan) Transports

7. (Samaritan) Cares/Gives Money

Kingdom Hospitality: Does Something

The contrasts show that

1) A Samaritan (the outsider who the lawyer would never consider a neighbor), becomes a neighbor through loving actions

2) Becoming a neighbor occurs through seeing and doing something out of compassion.

Reflections Questions:

When is the last time you have done something for a neighbor?

When is the last time you have become a neighbor to someone?

Scripture References:

Luke 10:25-37

Other Sermon Notes and References:

Many of these insights were gained through the book Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey


Kingdom Hospitality: Pentecost


Kingdom Hospitality: The Banquet