Kingdom Hospitality: The Banquet

Pastor Andrew dives into the Kingdom Hospitality series. We learn from the Lord of Hosts, Jesus, as teaches the parable of the banquet in Luke 14.

Sermon begins at about 50 Minutes


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Things To Remember:

Kingdom Hospitality in review - some things we have learned from the LORD of hosts about giving and receiving hospitality.

Kingdom Hospitality: Jesus receives hospitality 

Kingdom Hospitality: Jesus receives outsiders

Kingdom Hospitality: focus on listening not anxiety 

Kingdom Hospitality: focus on loving not analyzing

Kingdom Hospitality: welcomes people even when inconvenients (speaks to people)

Kingdom Hospitality: gives thanks for what we have to offer

Kingdom Hospitality: asks God to bless what we have to offer

Kingdom Hospitality: intentionally and directly, gently & humbly enters other people’s stories

Kingdom Hospitality: isn’t just for people we are comfortable with

In the midst of a conversation about who will share in the messianic banquet in the coming age Jesus tells a story (Luke 14:16-23).

The host of the banquet prepares everything and says to the many who are invited "Come for everything is now ready." (Luke 14:16-17)

In the same we are invited into God's kingdom or in another way of life (filled with God) and it has all been paid for by Jesus. 

Kingdom Hospitality: costs us nothing

But in the story those invited make excuses based on possessions, work, & relationships (Luke 14:18-20).

In the same way, it is easy for these things to take priority over God and prevent us from receiving the invitation into the life God offers us. 

The host extends the invitation to many outsiders and the story ends with the listener being invited to consider whether they are accepting the invitation of the life God offers (Luke 14:24).

Jesus goes on to say that to be his disciple we must give him top priority and not let other things or relationships compete (Luke 14:25-34)

Kingdom Hospitality: costs us everything

We are invited to receive the life God offers. The question is do we want it? Will we prioritize God in a way to receive what he offers.

Scripture References:

Luke 14:1-24

Other Sermon Notes and References:


Kingdom Hospitality: The Good Samaritan


Kingdom Hospitality: W.A.I.T. : What Am I Thinking?