Celebrate Young Adults Friendsgiving
The Celebrate Young Adults group is having a Friendsgiving gathering!
Nov. 15th 6:30pm-8:30pm
Anyone is welcome from the ages of 18- 35.
Join us for a meal together, bring a dish to share!
For more details email Ashley .

Celebrate Young Adults Gathering
The Celebrate Young Adults group is having a summer dinner!
July 17th at 6 pm.
Anyone is welcome from the ages of 18- 35.
Join them for dinner as they gather together for fellowship, food, and fun, all centered around Jesus!
For more details email Ashley .

Newcomers Gathering
Are you new to Celebrate Church? Whether you have visited once or have attended many times, we’d love to meet you and tell you a little more about Celebrate Church.
Join us after the 10am worship service on June 30th for a brief time of connection, history, Q&A, and optional church tour! Coffee and pastries will be on hand, too!
We will meet in the room under the stairs! If you’re not sure where that is, ask a “Love to Help” volunteer or a staff member to show you the way!
Questions? Contact Ashley@CelebrateChurch.com