

Brokenness And Suffering: Singleness

Pastor Andrew continues the sermon series titled “Brokenness and Suffering”. In this series, Andrew focuses on how Jesus suffered for us. He then addresses an aspect of human sexuality, and the suffering and brokenness that comes with sexual immorality. This week, we are reminded that Jesus suffered by being abandoned. See the notes below for more.

Sermon begins at about 19 minutes.


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Things To Remember:

Jesus suffered by being abandoned by his disciples/friends and then by God the Father when he was on the cross taking the punishment for our sins. 

In Matthew 19:4-6 Jesus appealed to Genesis 1 & 2, to explain and confirm God's ideal for marriage and sexuality. 

In Matthew 19:11-12 Jesus explains that not everyone is called to be married and offers an alternative.

Biblical Ideal for Human Sexuality: Celibate singleness

Those who are unmarried should commit to sexual abstinence.

Remaining single is promoted in the Bible and is not an inferior option to marriage. 

Challenge: Romantic idolatry

The Bible says that God is love [agape: self-giving love that wills the good of the other]

Our world often promotes that love [eros: romantic, passionate, sexual love] is god.

1 Corinthians 7:25-40 talks about prioritizing our devotion to God. A case is made that it can be easier to be devoted to God when we are single. 

Challenge: Isolation

Singleness can be lonely and isolating. 

It should be noted that marriage, too, can be lonely or isolating. Marriage or romantic relationships are not the automatic fix. 

Prioritizing God and finding healthy intimate friendships are encouraged for those who are single and married alike.

Mark 10:28-30 promises that those who give up relationships for the sake of the gospel will receive relationships in the spiritual family of God. We are to be the family of God to one another. 


Our response is to prioritize God above all relationships and to live as the family of God regardless of our status as single or married. 

Jesus' response to us is that he was willing to be abandoned for our sake to make a way and as a guarantee that he will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 28:20)

Scripture References:

Matthew 19:4-6 Genesis 1 & 2 Matthew 19:11-12 Mark 10:28-30 Hebrews 13:5 Matthew 28:20

Other Sermon Notes and References:

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