Let’s Go: Be Shepherds
Pastor Andrew Schmidt concludes our sermon series at Celebrate called “Let’s Go”. This series is based on the book of Acts. The message is: LET'S GO strengthen and encourage people! This week’s focus is Acts 20:25-38 (Instructions to elders) . See sermon notes and resources linked below.
Sermon begins at about 27 minutes
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Things To Remember:
Scripture References:
Other Links and References:
Find Jennie’s Google Maps Presentation of Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey HERE.
(You may have to be logged into your Google Maps account to see it.)
People of Presence: Intimacy
Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues the sermon series, “People of Presence”. In this message, Nicolas Lirio shares about intimacy with the Lord. He focuses on David’s bold approach to God’s presence. Pastor Andrew emphasizes this point and encourages the church to practice both confession and repentance as they approach the Lord.
Sermon begins at 17:40
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Scripture References:
Things To Remember:
When we draw close to God, he promises to draw close to us (James 4:8)
God is reaching for us out of his love for the world.
The world system prefers to stay in the darkness rather than be exposed by light.
Confessing Jesus as Savior and Lord helps us draw close to God.
Confessing our sins allows us to draw close to God, rather than remaining in darkness.
Repenting, turning toward God and away from worldliness, helps us draw close to God.