People of Presence: Intimacy (Nature/Service)

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues the sermon series, “People of Presence”. This week we focus on intimacy with God. Mike Moats shares with us about how nature is the place where he feels God’s presence most. Andrew continues with the series after, encouraging us to find intimacy with God as we serve others and also as we walk with Him in nature.

Sermon begins at around 35 minutes


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Scripture References:

Matthew 25:31-36

Psalm 19

Matthew 14:22-23

Luke 6:12

Luke 5:16

Luke 9:28

Things To Remember:

Jesus often went alone to pray in nature.

God communicates through nature. We still need His Word and community, but it is spiritually beneficial to connect with His creation.

We experience Jesus's Presence when we serve the least of these.

Other Sermon Notes and References:

He was sinless, and yet he needed prayer. Far be it from us to dream that we can do without it. In private, we must, like our God, equip ourselves for the public battle of life. -Charles Spurgeon

No doubt it was the constant habit of Christ to pray. But there were certain times where He retired into lonely places, and His prayer life was peculiarly fervent and prolonged. -Charles Spurgeon


People of Presence: Intercession (Not Giving Up)


People of Presence: Intercession (Elders)