Kingdom Hospitality: Focus on Loving Not Analyzing

Pastor Andrew dives into the Kingdom Hospitality series. This week our focus is on loving, not analyzing. We learn from the Lord of Hosts, Jesus, as He encounters Mary and Martha, and as he interacts with a Pharisee named Simon as a woman washes His feet with her tears.

Sermon begins at about 30 Minutes


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Things To Remember:

Romans 12:9 &13 "Be Devoted to One Another" & "Practice Hospitality"

Giving and Receiving Hospitality in Jesus’ Name: Learning from the LORD of HOSTS

Luke 10:38-42

Jesus receives hospitality

Jesus receives outsiders (those often overlooked or excluded)

Kingdom Hospitality: focus on listening not anxiety 

Luke 7:36-50

Jesus receives hospitality

Jesus receives outsiders (those often overlooked or excluded)

Jesus receives 'insiders' (even when they don't see clearly)

Kingdom Hospitality: focus on loving not analyzing

Let's Practice Hospitality with another so that we show it better to others

Kingdom Hospitality: focus on Jesus

Scripture References:

Luke 10:39-42

Luke 7:36-50

Other Sermon Notes and References:


Kingdom Hospitality: Jesus Feeds the 5000


Easter Sunday 2023