Pastor Andrew Schmidt begins a sermon series called, “Jesus Story”. This series will take us through scripture with the help of The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. This children’s Bible tells the Story in a beautiful way for both children and adults. This week we read the story “A Terrible Lie”, which covers the story of the Fall found in Genesis. Andrew uses this story to teach on the story of the Fall and the impact it had on both God’s children and creation itself. Ultimately this shows us how, as the Jesus Storybook Bible says, “every story whispers His name”, even from the very first book of the Bible.

Sermon begins at about 40 minutes (we had Baptisms this morning before the Sermon)


You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.

Things To Remember:

God created everything good in the beginning (Genesis chapter 1)

He gave Adam and Eve a command to eat from any trees in the garden except just one.

Humans are still tempted today the same way Eve (and Adam) were in the garden:

To not trust God's word (Genesis 3:1)

To think of God as more strict than He really is (compare Genesis 2:15-17 with 3:2-3)

To believe that God is holding back on us, that we will miss out on something if we trust and obey him (Genesis 3:4-6)

To hide in shame and/or blame others when we are in the wrong. (Genesis 3:7, 12-13)

To hide from God or act as if He isn't there, even though that's not possible.  (Genesis 3:7-10)

The result is that humanity is cursed:

with pain and in our relationships (Genesis 3:16)

in our work & in nature itself(Genesis 3:17-19)

and ultimately in death (Genesis 3:19)

But God didn't leave things that way:

Something had to die in humanity's place as a temporary covering (Genesis 3:21)

Jesus died in our place as covering for what we did wrong in a way that defeats evil. (Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:13)

Not to all who receive him and call upon his name he gives the right to become children of God. (John 1:12)

The whole creation is eagerly awaiting revelation of the children of God when Christ returns. (Romans 8:19-21)

Until then the birth pains of creation are increasing. (Genesis 8:22)

We can see this in the statistics of natural disasters. 

And we should be ready for what is to come by receiving Jesus and following Him. (Luke 21:10-11, 25-28, 34-36)

Other Links and References:

Learn more about The Jesus Storybook Bible

Purchase The Jesus Storybook Bible

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis


Jesus Story: “A New Beginning”


Jesus Story: The Beginning: A Perfect Home