Lord of the Nations: Week 4
Sermon begins at about 27 minutes
Tim Brands, Founder and CEO of Many Hands for Haiti, shares with us about the work the organization is doing in Haiti even as unrest and violence are prevalent in the country. Building on Pastor Samuel’s message from the previous week, Tim continues teaching from Nehemiah. He asks us to “stay on the wall”, no matter what distractions, interruptions, or accusations come our way. During this service, we also encouraged people to give toward our Thanksgiving Offering which will be split between Uganda and Haiti. You can still donate to that cause through the end of the year here. Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)
You can listen to the sermon below, or you can subscribe to our Celebrators Podcast wherever you listen.
Sermon Resources:
Learn more about Many Hand’s for Haiti here.
Series Notes:
The Lord of the nations:
Rules over the nations
Brings salvation to the nations
Receives worship from the nations
Rules over the nations
Psalm 22:28
Romans 15:12
Brings salvation to the nations
Isaiah 49:6
Luke 24:46-47
Receives worship from the nations
Isaiah 66:18-21
Revelation 7:9-10