Let’s Go: The Bender Family
Full Video Interview (scroll down for the Sunday morning teaser version)
The Bender Family Bender Bags Project
PTSD NOTE: If you have experienced time in the NICU, this video contains discussion of this family's hospital stay. Although this story ends with babies going home, Mike and Chelsea have expressed deep sadness at the loss of the children who passed away during their stay in the NICU, and for those who struggle with this loss now. If you have experienced loss or trauma from an experience in the NICU and would like to talk to one of our care team, please contact us at celebrate@celebratechurch.com.
Mike and Chelsea Bender faced a difficult road when they were told the twin boys they were expecting, Aiden and Owen, were having complications. The identical twin boys were experiencing Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. This meant that one baby was surrounded by too much fluid, while the other didn’t have enough. One baby was receiving too many nutrients, while the other baby was receiving too few. This complication meant that if the babies were not delivered, they would both pass away. At 27 weeks, Chelsea was rushed into the operating room and both babies were delivered by c-section and rushed to the Mercy Hospital NICU.
The boys weighed in at 1lb 14oz (Owen), and 2lb 11oz (Aiden). The NICU became a second home for the Bender family for the next 80 days. Chelsea and Mike did their best to balance time at the hospital, at work, and with their 2 year old daughter, Emerson.
Through the ups and downs of life in the NICU, Chelsea and Mike leaned into the Lord and relied on their friends and family, and even kind strangers, for prayer and support. They were overwhelmed by the kindness that was shown to them.
While there, the Benders met many families who were sharing similar journeys. They rejoiced as babies reached the strength to go home, and they grieved when a child would pass away. It was very difficult to see families lose such hard fought battles.
After Aiden and Owen were released from the hospital, Chelsea decided that she and her family would make it a priority to continue to support families who spend time at the NICU. Each year as the boys’ birthday approaches, the family collects items to put into gift bags. Things like lotion, gum, small snacks, special tag blankets, baby books, and more. Then, on the twins’ birthday, they go together to deliver 50 bags to Mercy NICU to be handed out as families are admitted.
Mike and Chelsea also make it a priority to pray for the families, especially those who leave the hospital without their children. They also pray for the doctors, nurses, and other staff who fight daily for the lives of these children.
Watch or listen to the full interview to hear them talk about their story, and the heart behind their Bender Bag Project.
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If you would like to donate to the Bender Bag Project, or If you have questions about today’s interview, email us at celebrate@celebratechurch.com and we will connect you.