How I Encounter God In Prayer
Lately, Celebrate Church has been leaning into prayer in new, deeper ways. I hope you’re feeling encouraged to set aside time to cultivate your relationship with God by drawing close to Him. My prayer is that you will find yourself met by Him as you seek to make yourself available to Him. This can be costly to our self-life (ideally the death of it) as we seek Him—and His priorities and purposes become our own.
But how do we meet with Him, some of us may be wondering? It can look like many things, as we’ll talk about in the weeks to come (see sermon series here). But for today, I thought I’d share how I most encounter God for those who may need a practical place to begin.
I encounter God in lots of ways, but most regularly experience His presence when I am in His word—in particular when I begin in His word and turn it into my own prayers. So, I thought I would share with you what that looked like for me this morning, when I spent time in conversation with Jesus journaling from Psalm 15. My responses are in quotations.
Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill?
“Lord, I want to dwell in Your sanctuary…to live on the high places with You.”
He whose walk is blameless and does what is righteous,
“Show me how to keep my walk blameless. Show me what to do that is righteous.”
Who speaks truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue,
“Give me your words of truth to speak. Plant them and grow them in my heart. Let me speak no slander nor take part in it as a passive bystander. What do I do when it comes up in group conversations like it haas this morning already? Do I say something to call it out for what it is? Do I step quietly out of the room so as not to participate by association?”
Who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman,
“Let me do no wrong to those around me—but to bless—to offer from the riches of Your kingdom, Your grace, of which I have so freely received from You. Let me cast no slur on my fellowman. Make my words seasoned with grace and hope, or keep me silent.”
Who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the Lord,
“What does it mean to despise a vile man? Help me to honor those who fear You.”
Who keeps his oath even when it hurts,
“Help me to keep my oath, to be a woman of my word…even when it hurts, like this morning as I commit to spend extended time with You and miss out on that outing with the others.”
Who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
“Help me to be generous without expecting return or being owed increase. Let me not be caught up in ‘benefits’ that are costly others.”
He who does these things will never be shaken.
“I want to be a person who is unshakeable—unaffected by the pressures and snares of this life.”
Music is another tool that helps form my prayers and encounters with God.
I had this album playing in the background this morning, and this song and this song ushered me deeper into my prayers and communion with Jesus. Does music help usher you into God’s presence? Pay attention to the songs you hear that seem to speak your own heart to God, and offer them to Him as your gift, your prayer.
Know that none of this is prescriptive is offered as the “right” way to connect with God…I share it simply to show examples. This is how it looked for me today. I have gleaned from others’ experiences as they have shared. And I offer this for the benefit of those who want to learn and grow, but don’t know where to begin.
The important thing—the most valuable thing—is simply to begin. Offer your heart, your time to Him and let Him do with it what He will. Let His presence lead you into the rest of your day and interactions with others. And even when it seems there is little going on, venture to meet with Him again tomorrow. Intimacy is closeness in relationship that builds over time. Give it time.
Blessings, Church!
Camille is the Prayer Ministry Leader at Celebrate Church. Learn more or contact her here.