Practice Gathering: Fellowship (Sharing Life)
Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a new sermon series called, “Practice Gathering”. This series focuses on Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This week focuses on how the early Christians in Acts devoted themselves to gathering together for the purpose of sharing life with one another. (See notes below for more)
Sermon begins at about 29 minutes.
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Practice Gathering: Fellowship (Sharing Life)
Scripture References:
Things To Remember:
When the church was birthed in Acts followers of Jesus met together every day to keep their relationship with God vibrant. Do you regularly set aside times to meet with other believers and intentionally grow in your faith?
When we have a relationship (are in fellowship) with Jesus we become part of his Body and are called to have relationships (be in fellowship with) other Jesus followers.
The early devoted themselves to [the] fellowship. The Greek word for fellowship is koinonia.
As a noun it means association, fellowship, community of people living life together with a common purpose (following Jesus).
As a verb it means sharing, participating, contributing in a community of people.
We are to be devoted to a fellowship or fellowships (koinonia) of committed Jesus followers. Are you?
We are to be devoted to fellowshiping with a fellowship of committed Jesus followers. Are you?
Other Sermon Notes and References:
“The Body of Christ is nothing other than a fellowship of persons. It is the ‘fellowship of Jesus Christ’ [1 Cor 1:9] or ‘fellowship of the Holy Spirit’ [2 Cor 13:14, Phil. 2:1] where fellowship or koinonia signifies a common participation, a togetherness, a community life.” -Emil Brunner
“The faithful are bound to each other through their common sharing in Christ and in the Holy Spirit…” -Emil Brunner