Celebrate Church

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Lord of the Sabbath- Week 4

Sermon begins at about 38 min

Pastor Andrew Schmidt continues a new sermon series called “Lord of the Sabbath”, which continues our focus this year, “Year of the Lord”. This sermon series will center on the practice of Sabbath, and how God invites us into, and even commands us to, rest.

Audio: (posted on Tuesdays)

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Lord of the Sabbath- Week 4 (Second Service) Andrew Schmidt


Genesis 1-2:3

Mark 2:27-28

Exodus 20:8-10

Deuteronomy 5:12

Deuteronomy 5:15b

Full Sermon Notes:

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy” is one of the 10 commandments. 

It states that on six days you should do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you should not do any work. (Exodus 20:8-10)

Sabbath reality is entering time in a different way. Aspects that help us engage in this reality include an encouragement for us to:

Stop & Rest:

Break from getting stuff & stuff done

Slow, Silence, Sleep, Solitude

Worship & Delight:

The Lord’s Day 

Celebration of Creation

Celebrate & Remember:

Food in Jesus’ Name

God’s provision & saving power

The goal for our series won’t be to figure out exactly when and what and how the Sabbath is supposed to look like. Rather it is to explore how to incorporate Sabbath reality into our lives maybe even just a little bit at a time. 

The New Testament indicates that there is flexibility in keeping the Sabbath (which day of the week, etc.).

Jesus strongly discourages a legalistic approach to keeping the Sabbath day.

But Jesus also share that the Sabbath was made for humans. Implying that it is good for humanity, a gift to humanity that he encourages us to observe. (Mark 2:27-28)