Celebrate Church

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Lord Of The Harvest: Week 4

Sermon begins at about 19 minutes

Pastor Andrew concludes our sermon series called “Lord of the Harvest”, which is part of our Year of the Lord theme in 2024. In this series we are encouraged to pray for the harvest, be a worker for the harvest, and support the work(ers) for the harvest.

Audio: (will be posted Tuesdays)

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Lord of the Harvest: Week 4 Andrew Schmidt

Sermon Slide Notes:

Matthew 9:37-38

Pray for the harvest

Be a worker for the harvest

Support work(ers) for the harvest

The Parable of the Great Banquet: Luke 14:15-24 

You are invited into a conversational relationship with God.

You are invited to be a servant/worker for the harvest. 

Many are invited, now

Excuses, not now

Anger into grace

Go and bring in, now

Will you come/go, now

Even our family (whether it’s investing in them in good ways or being in a broken, hurting situation) isn’t to be an excuse for not giving Jesus the highest place in our life. (see Luke 14:25-27 & Matthew 10:37-39)

Now is the time will you make excuses or respond to the invitations:

  • To grow in a conversational relationship with God

  • To be a servant/worker for the harvest